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New Style + Life Update + Voidsworn Progress

| MARCH 2023 |

When I published Soulscape in early 2020, I thought for certain I'd have been finished with book two by now. Alas, 2020 became what it did, and my own mental health spiral fused with the pandemic and US events in the worst ways as I struggled to deal with some personal life issues. Impostor syndrome came swanning in shortly thereafter, and my drive to create sizzled away like sweat on the sidewalk in a Texas heatwave. Now, I'm finally back at the craft, my characters are talking to me about their lives, and we're ready to start a new adventure.


I've about 75 pages of the first few chapters of Voidsworn started, a general map of events, and a destination in mind. Being a discovery writer, I try to listen to the needs and wants of my characters, allow them to drive the story, and try to be either a guiding or obstructive hand as needed to weave it all into the overarching themes. Voidsworn was actually supposed to be the first book in this series, and under a completely different name. I wrote a hundred thousand words of a terrible draft in the 2010s before I gave up and needed to switch my focus, but I didn’t want to leave the world. Then I started playing with Soulscape and liked the cast enough I decided that it had to come first to lay the groundwork for what comes next.

So, what comes next?

A growing cast of characters, romances, and more world to explore. Where Soulscape was intimate with a small cast, we'll now start to expand into two new perspectives, Latika and Jae, whose lives are centered on city society across the sea. You can read a draft excerpt of Chapter Zero now and take a peek at the working blurb.

Thank you for your patience over the past few years. I'm not a person of great means, which leaves my personal labor the only thing I have to offer to continue living. The day job dictates that I can't keep up with the sorts of release schedules others place on themselves when they pump out two books or more each year. My creative process just cannot produce art at such a clip. If I tried, I'd come to resent the thing I love doing, so I'm happy to take the slower path and write as I'm able to find the time or proverbial spoons.

Blessed Be

Want to find me on socials? Sorry, I don't do that anymore. What I share of myself is in my stories and on this website. I'd rather keep my private life private. Do feel free to drop me a line, though, I'd love to hear from you!

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